Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why Does Justin Bieber's Perfume Look Like It's Been Vajazzled?

Justin Bieber's new perfume for young ladies, called "Someday," is taking his young fans by storm, as does everything Bieber bestows upon the world. After catching wind of this news after the craziness at his Macy's appearance blew up on Twitter.

The bottle stopper is layer after layer of red and pink plastic curtained around some sort of knob in the middle. It's not what you would call subtle. Which is certainly not an uncommon motif, but isn't this a perfume for young girls, as offered by a teenaged boy?

Clearly, the real audience is young girls, and though they are being teased and encouraged to tease, they are also clearly being told to wait. Watch the commercial again, and look closer at the bottle as the nuzzler puts it on the dresser. Under the lips of the rose thing. What's dangling there? What did she whisper? A lock! A lock? It's been vagazzled with a lock! And what do you put under lock and key until that special Someday? Well, that would be a girl's chastity. Chastity belts weren't created to lock up boy bits, after all.

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