Sunday, June 19, 2011

Colton Harris-Moore, The Barefoot Bandit Won't Cash In on Crime

ABC News. "Barefoot Bandit" Colton Harris-Moore won't be profiting from his seemingly made-for-Hollywood crime spree, a two-year run of daring capers including stealing planes and boats.

Harris-Moore, the Washington teenager who repeatedly eluded police until he was finally run to ground in the Bahamas in July 2010, pleaded guilty Friday to seven felonies at a federal court in Seattle.

Harris-Moore, now 20, entered the federal courtroom looking calm, with a slight smile on his face, ABC affiliate KOMO-TV in Seattle reported.

After answering a litany of questions from the judge, he said the word "guilty" seven times, admitting to stealing planes, cars, guns, a boat and more, from the San Juan Islands across the country and beyond to the Bahamas.

The deal worked out between federal prosecutors and Harris-Moore includes a recommendation that he spend five to six and a half years in prison.

He also agreed not to profit from his crimes. He is allowed to sell his story, but the deal would have to be negotiated by a third party and profits would have to go to paying off his victims, who collectively suffered an estimated $1.4 million in losses and damages.

Harris-Moore's two years on the run came to an end fitting for a Hollywood movie, when he was taken into custody in the Bahamas after a half-hour long boat chase that ended with police riddling his boat with bullets.

The arrest came less than a week after he allegedly crashed a small plane into the shallow waters of the Caribbean, hours after it had been stolen from an Indiana hangar.
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